Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Taste of What's to Come

I know I haven't posted anything new in a while, but I have been working hard on some new pieces. Here is a sneak peak of a new series I have started that I am calling "Toot Sweets." I am starting to think about packaging and display of "Stitchalicious" and have started to play around with these little boxes by Martha Stewart. I love individualizing some of the smaller pieces a bit more by giving them their own special box. I get really attached to even the smallest of doo dads when I am working. It is like when I was a kid and had to kiss every stuffed animal I owned good night so none of them would feel left out, this is how I feel about my little artworks.


Unknown said...

Deliciously wonderful!!

Jen said...

you should totally hand out some Stitchalicious wedding favors!

Aligates said...

I love my Valentine. I should kiss it goodnight when I leave the office tonight.